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Standard 5.1.1 - Assess student learning
Demonstrate understanding of assessment strategies, including informal and formal, diagnostic, formative and summative approaches to assess student learning.
Standard 5.4.1 - Interpret student data
Demonstrate the capacity to interpret student assessment data to evaluate student learning and modify teaching practice.
One critical way for schools, teachers, and students to reach their full potential is the process of assessment and reflection (5.1.1). Engaging in the cycle of inquiry, knowledge building and reflection through informal and formal assessment is paramount in modifying, improving and developing teacher and student practices for more effective future learning (Timperly, 2011); as well as providing the tools for beneficial positive feedback.
In this class ICT project, students were separated into groups, with each group required to summarise and teach a topic from what I had taught them over our placement. Provided is an example of the power point presentation that was done by myself and another pre-service teacher as a way to model what the final presentation should like. In addition, children were presented with a marking rubric to give further clarity to the success criteria (5.1.1). Not only does this task have an assessment criteria, but since the students will be reporting on their previous learning, the teacher may further assess the students on their learning from the term.
After completing this task, for post-assessment, students were given this anonymous feedback survey in order to gain an understanding of how effective the task was, what were the strengths of the task, and what areas could be improved upon in the learning process (Ingvarson & Reid, 2019).
By gathering and interpreting assessable data from both students work samples and their teaching feedback, I will be able to better approach my future teaching practices and let this data guide the future learning areas (Ewing, Groundwater-Smith, Lecornu, 2015) (5.4.1). It will enable me to identify areas that either my self or my class may have weaknesses or strengths, allowing me to direct my professional learning and efforts towards the right developmental areas.
Word Count: 298
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